Because she has to spend much more time in home than the men in the house. This is more true when we are talking about the luxury interior. This is the topic which is discussed not only in individual homes, but also in various places outside the homes.
Take any small party specially kitty party and you will observe that almost half of the conversation is about the interior of the house in which the party is being held. And the interior is discussed with great interest. Women really enjoy discussing various aspects of the home.
Not only that, they also do the changes very actively. In fact, men are often reluctant in doing any changes to the existing setup or arrangement. But that's not the case with the women. They are so enthusiastic about all things of their homes, including interior decoration & designing. Most women love the idea of home decorating.
And they do verbalize their ideas,too. So many tips & tricks & ideas are passed among every member present that one can simply take those and write a book about it.

No - because here comes the question of investment, style & mind set. Normally luxury interior needs good amount of investment. The women who want to have the best looks for their homes spare no efforts in getting that. They are ready to spend large amount of money in getting what they want. In fact, we have seen our clients are ready to go distances - with their wives - to get some part of furniture or carpet or wall decor. So that it will make their home look complete.
These women wants to get fresh & new feelings about their homes every now & then. That's the reason home renovation is a booming business in India. We see so many clients every month who wants to get their homes renovated. And almost every time the influence is of the woman in the house behind the decision.
And I may be biased here, but I feel that women do have that knack or the sixth sense when it comes to designing their homes luxuriously.